Annarose Monroe Photography, LLC: dancers for modeling project

Contributed By:  Annarose Monroe Photography, LLC

See more: jobs , calls-for-artists

I am working on a fine-art photography project and need male and female dancers to model. Ideally, I would like a couple familiar with dancing together, as I’m looking to create emotive work that shows both connection and chemistry. You don’t have to be a couple in real life but you need that connection in dance. I will also consider solo female dancers who can be expressive and emotive. I prefer contemporary ballet training but am open to other dance forms such as Latin dance, ballroom dance, etc. I am a trained dance photographer and a full-time professional in my industry. I will pay for your time modeling, hair & makeup, styling, etc. We may shoot in my Los Gatos studio, in a Monterey studio, or on location.

Dates:  Sep-Nov 2024
Time:  TBD
Location:  Los Gatos and/or Monterey
Contact Information:  

Please email Annarose,
