Dance-A-Vision Entertainment: Grace-N-Motion Dance Concert Performer

Contributed By:  Dance-A-Vision Entertainment

See more: calls-for-artists

Celebrate National Dance Day with over 100 dancers performing simultaneously inside of Grace Cathedral…in silence.

Come witness dance, diversity, and devotion, as over 100 dancers from different styles, techniques, and cultures move throughout the cathedral. All performances will happen simultaneously, throughout the nave, aisles, and chapels. Each dance group will have a three-minute piece that will rotate and repeat throughout the night, allowing audience members to see as many pieces as possible. Curated by Carla Service of Dance-A-Vision Entertainment, this event will leave you breathless with a cornucopia of dance enlightenment.

Dates:  Sat, Sep 21
Time:  1:00pm-9:00pm
Location:  San Francisco, CA
Location Address:  

P O Box 31948 Oakland, CA 94604

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