Go behind the scenes in “Kindred Spirits,” which follows members of the American Ballet Theatre Studio Company as they navigate the highs and lows of a cultural exchange tour to Hong Kong. In “Ten Times Better,” experience the extraordinary untold story of George Lee, an immigrant AAPI dancer who confronted and broke barriers in ballet and Broadway in the mid-20th century. Take to the streets of London in “Twenty,” the gritty story of a dedicated ballet dancer coping with homelessness while undertaking a potentially life-changing audition. These three different takes on ballet stories share common threads: focus, drive, and an abiding love for the art of dance.
Venue accessibility: The entrance to the screening room is at 600 The Embarcadero. Once you enter the gates, there is an office to your left with a front desk. The person at the front desk will escort you to the elevator to get to the screening room.