Carrie Ahern Dance: Carnal Spill
Three Woman in separate collaged photographs in mid gesture and speech inside different living rooms in theatrical pink, blue, green lighting
Photo by: Julie Lemberger
Carnal Spill is the newest dance in choreographer Carrie Ahern’s Sex Status trilogy that seeks to expose the porousness between women’s sexual and quotidian lives. Carnal Spill delves into the language women use and receive during the act of sex and invites the audience to consider how verbal language and cliche, fantasy, and the stories we tell ourselves operate inside of sexual play. How does our relationship to words evoke erotic connection or disconnection; turn-on or shame? The synthesis of words and movement in Carnal Spill allows a window into the complexity of the sexual encounter from within each performer’s body. As with the rest of the Sex Status canon, the work is performed in a private home that will be open to the public.
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