Sara Shelton Mann: Prompts for Composition
Photo of a woman short curly blond hair and a peach button down kneeling down holds a microphone to the mouth of a man almost laying back in a gray shirt and teal pants. They are sitting in on a black floor in a circle made of rope.
Photo by: Robbie Sweeny
Prompts for improvisation/composing
(it’s easy and fun)
We will dive into the question of making things, easily and letting them go
The format will be:
Chi Cultivation and a bit of my scramble technique and teaching as preparation for creating and making things solo, duet, and collaboratively with time for witnessing, which is optional.
The What is: Edges of composition, partnering, phrases from systems, making eccentric thought forms work together, rhythm
through repetition and practice, structure begins to appear
no judgment no doubt.
I have not taught prompts since I worked with Contraband in the 80s so this is a real joy.
I look forward to opening the toolbox again on construction and deconstruction.