Expanding Expressions: Madhuri Kishore brings Kuchipudi to the Landscape of Bay Area Indian Dance

Madhuri Kishore School of Kuchipudi / photo courtesy of school Traversing the landscape of Indian dance forms practiced in the San Francisco Bay Area, it can be easy for the […]


Look up and what do you see—an image that inspires? What are you thinking now? Through images and words curiosity arises and inspiration abounds. Dancers’ Group’s staff has frequent and […]

In Practice: Claudia La Rocco: Distance and Intimacy

The internet threatens to ruin every radio voice for me. Terry Gross, Marco Werman, Ray Suarez, Rose Aguilar—none of them looks like they’re supposed to! But then again, when I […]

DID YOU KNOW? Dance For A Reason

Founded in 2012 by a group of current and former San Francisco Ballet dancers—Garen Scribner, James Sofranko, and Margaret Karl—Dance For A Reason (DanceFAR) supports the work of the Cancer […]

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Find Time and Space with Residency Programs

Inspiration pours from your graceful fingertips and toes. If only you had time and space to explore the depths of your imagination freely, validating what you already know to be […]


After completing an online test, the results listed my major personality trait as a diplomat. What a fancy title! And, of course, I embrace this diplomat moniker: a descriptor that […]

Resource Equity: Connecting culturally specific dance communities with grants funding

Introduction   There’s a large, diverse, and vibrant multicultural dance community in the San Francisco Bay Area. As a long-time capacity building specialist and resource equity advocate, I’ve worked extensively […]

Finding the Fog Beast

My hairdresser is obsessed with tracking Mountain Lion sightings in the Santa Cruz mountains. She follows locals on instagram who live along the lion’s territorial maps and also the online […]

Swing Dance Lives On in the Bay Area

Impossible to resist. You know that toe-tapping, pre- World War II tune “Sing, Sing, Sing” that commands you to dance the moment you hear it? That was the point of […]