Photo by Jason Bowman [ID: Shown at a distance, a person wearing a wetsuit is bent over with a curved spine and their hands almost touching the sand of Ocean […]
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Rolling Audition
In January 2020 we auditioned a strong ensemble that had several performance opportunities to workshop the multi-part piece Water in the Kettle. The pandemic upended both the ensemble and the […]
How to Work Abroad: Demystifying the Tanzmesse
The Internationale Tanzmesse NRW, a biennial festival in Düsseldorf, Germany, is either a bonanza of work opportunities or an exercise in “body fascism,” depending on whom you talk to. Listen […]
A Mini History of Dance Education
Dance has been a part of U.S. public education since the early 1900s, when the concepts of gymnasium and open-air exercise were becoming popular in Europe. National dances were developed, […]
Finding Flamenco: A Journey Full of La Duende
I was introduced to flamenco by a blood-letting, like a tailored and sharply-cut red dress whipping out from the back of my head. I was introduced by a woman who […]
A Sense of Belonging Among Ever-Changing Circumstances
I began teaching Dance for PD® in Oakland, in 2007. The classes are free and open to anyone who has Parkinson’s disease.