Taking care of our bodies is probably one of the most important parts of being a dancer and yet, this seemingly simple and incredibly important task of maintaining our body-based-instrument–that is hopefully filled with equal doses of common sense, balance and kindness–should be universal. No matter if your career has you working in front of a computer, tending to nature, performing manual labor, making or serving food, or a combination of all, or any other profession in the world, understanding how to accomplish our responsibilities while staying healthy, and feeling good, is a life-long endeavor.
Being passionate about performing my work duties and also enjoying social activities, and attending to family and friends, have me looking for balance. To make it a priority where I will actually take enough time to sleep well, drink plenty of water, not imbibing too many spirits, and actually slow my pace so that I can digest the food I’m eating. Does any of this sound familiar?
Staying healthy is certainly a goal for most and yet a paradox of our time, in that we can do more things in faster, more technologically-savvy ways than ever before. We have more food at our fingertips, and we are more easily connected to people and ideas through a variety of media in more ways. So where is the balance in this?
Join me slowing down a bit. Let’s take an extra bit of time this month to enjoy a few more hours of sleep, treat ourselves to some type of body work, take a gentle walk on the beach, or indulge in a picnic in the park.
I’m also working to let it be fine that I not look at email in the afternoon, to give myself a respite from the constant and seemingly never ending flow of information. I am certainly a realist and understand that I am surrounded by technology and information and being connected; to learn what’s the latest in the dance world, and who is enjoying new music through a Facebook post, or learning about the latest advocacy efforts for marriage equality and arts funding–two of my favorite topics.
Taking time to reflect on what is important and how life’s moments are seeming to quickly pass by are potent themes inside this issue of In Dance. You’ll enjoy the passionate remembrances about two members of the dance community that have recently passed, Michael Koob and Warren Hellman, that remind us of their considerable contributions to dance and how much they are already missed.
Patricia Reedy, shares her reflections on Luna Dance Institute reaching their 20th milestone and challenges us to question the pay inequities that exist in our field.
And Dancers’ Group’s history is further revealed as we share more stories that have made up our three decades of charitable service.
I’m looking forward to finding a quiet corner and re-reading all the stories within, which will help balance my work-day. Then I will fill my schedule with appointments, attend more dance events, and rush to take more classes, while laughing, as I continue to understand that I will have once again pushed myself out of a quiet equilibrium.
Enjoy finding the many moments of your own health-filled balance that make you robustly engaged in your body, and the world.
— Wayne Hazzard, executive director