Join Us


Stay connected to an abundance of Bay Area dance events, opportunities, and more.

Join now as a free Community Member


As a member you will receive: 

  • Emails highlighting local dance events, performances, classes, and workshops (including free events & discounts for members)
  • Emails featuring auditions & jobs, grants & artistic opportunities, dance news, and more
  • Action alerts about arts policy and special opportunities
  • Notifications when a new issue of In Dance, our quarterly digital publication, is released
  • Updates about Bay Area Dance Week


There is no cost to join Dancers’ Group’s community membership.  By removing the financial barrier of a paid membership—our hope is to encourage more engagement, learning, and sharing throughout our dynamic dance ecosystem. We’re proud that you’ve joined us in continuing to make dance visible and viable.

Questions? Contact


Through your community participation we are able to: 

  • Amplify the work of the Bay Area dance community
  • Share our In Dance publication freely to the community, with in-depth information about specific artists and critical analysis of the field
  • Support over 100 local choreographers, companies, and community dance projects through our fiscal sponsorship program
  • Offer dance artists and organizations support through the CA$H re-granting program
  • Advocate for dance at the local, state, and federal level