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About: Julie Phelps

Julie Phelps, born in a small town with the Mississippi River running through. She studies/contemplates/practices performance, holds a BA in psychology from Macalester (MN), and lives in San Francisco. She has studied with Sara Shelton Mann and Keith Hennessy - serving as provocateur for Hennessy's new work Turbulence. She works as a performer, curator, and producer: Program Manager at CounterPULSE; director of Too Much! a queer marathon; co-founder/member of THEOFFCENTER; member of Jesse Hewit's Strong Behavior; and has performed in Meg Stewart's Auf Den Tisch. Julie has a strange tendency to be fiercely in-between, refusing singular personal functions/roles by preserving an intentional imprecision and multi-missioned agenda.

Articles by Julie Phelps:
