Explore Bay Area events submitted by the community. Join Dancers’ Group to hear about new & upcoming events in our weekly emails.

Kitchen Sink: Performance Skills for the End of the World
Join lifelong collaborators Joe Goode and Marit Brook-Kothlow for a weekend of skills practice. Learn to make the kind of dance/theater that is a tonic for a tender world.
Using JGPG’s signature creative processes, participants will be guided in cultivating personal source materials that emerge from the “felt experience” and shaping them into performance language and embodied action.
We will move alone and together using JGPG’s choreographic methodologies to learn how differently we tell the stories we need to hear when we listen to our bodies.
Marit sits at a table with Joe in front of a couple of red chairs and an apple laptop and coffee on the table. She points outward as Joe looks at her to the le
Photo by: Hilary Goidell