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PORCH summer festival
June 22
PORCH at it’s most fundamental, is a three week immersive occasion of coming together and studying dancing, making, performance, collectivity, and living closely with the land in the stunningly beautiful East German countryside,1.5 hours from Berlin. It is 5-6 hours of studio practice daily with an eclectic and skilled international cohort of teachers and students, with opportunities to improvise, experiment, show and watch performance, and time to play and experiment at night. The first two weeks are focused on dancing and practice, and the third week shifts into making. June 22 – July 13 ’25
different pricing weekend to full 3 weeks
blue cloudy back ground with collaged flowers and glitter on top in the corner is a dancer squatting in black and white with large Red Text that says PORCH
Photo by: ainsley e tharp