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Practice as Performance+ with Sara Shelton Mann
Participants train the mind and body to see through the eye of the heart. They listen to the body as our guide and progress through the inner and outer touchstones of breaking up patterns, until they hold a high frequency, knowing where they are, what they are doing and are aware of everything else in the room.
We will dance a lot, sweat, laugh, track, use your peripheral vision, reset and set again and fill up your imagination muscles till you relax. It is fun.
Email to register.
Graphic with pink and orange background and white lines. There is a photo of three dancers performing, two on the ground and one standing. The graphic contains purple text that reads "Practice as… Performance+ with Sara Shelton Mann, , Fri-Sun , March 28-30 , 10:30am-1pm , Joe Goode Annex, SF, $75--150 sliding scale, $30--60 drop ins, Email: to register"
Photo by: Robbie Sweeny