- Organization Name: Dancers’ Group
- Our fiscal year: January – December
- Our EIN: 94-2879185
Annual economic statement
City Reporting Period: Organizations that received $100,000 from the City and County of San Francisco during July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024 are required to report the following information publicly.
1.) Employee who has daily managerial responsibilities
Wayne Hazzard, Executive Director
2.) Officers and directors, and other boards of directors on which they serve*
Rasika Kumar, President
Wayne Hazzard, ex officio, Vice President
Mary Armentrout, Secretary
Leah Curran, Treasurer
Debby Kajiyama
*No board members currently serve on other boards of directors.
3.) Total budget and expenditures, and a program-by-program description of all monies expended or budgeted during calendar or fiscal year
Dancers’ Group ProPublica Profile
4.) Letter from the IRS showing valid nonprofit status
Dancers’ Group IRS letter -501c3 status (2023)
5.) Most recent federal tax return filed under Section 990
Dancers’ Group Form 990 (2023)
6.) Verification of current valid registration with the State of California’s Registry of Charitable Trusts
Dancers’ Group CA Charity Registration
7.) Audited financial statements
DancersGroup 2023 Audited Financial Statements
View Dancers’ Group 2023 Annual Report