New Stages for Dance (2011 to 2014) allowed Dancers’ Group to award theater rental subsidies to San Francisco Bay Area dance companies and artists presenting work at select theaters in San Francisco.
Administered by Dance/USA in partnership with Dancers’ Group and funded by MetLife Foundation, the New Stages for Dance Initiative was a program designed to provide affordable access to a variety of quality venues for non-profit dance companies and individual artists. The funding program was designed to increase the potential for dance companies and artists to reach new audiences, enhance production values, and leverage additional support through partnerships with Dancers’ Group and collaborating theaters.
In addition to the grant funds that offset theater rental costs, grantees were eligible for marketing support from Dancers’ Group to help promote their public dance performances in the months leading up to their presentations, as well as one-on-one coaching related to contract negotiation, budgeting, union relationships, and production management from Dancers’ Group.
New Stages Grants were awarded in three categories:
Shared Presentation: for performance programs in a participating theater with two dance companies or dance artists.
New Theater: for a company or artist performing in a participating theater where they have not previously performed, and which has an increase in seating capacity or technical capacity from prior venues where the artist has presented.
Increased Performances: for a company or artist presenting work in a participating theater and who will be significantly increasing the number of performances beyond prior years.
January 1, 2011 – May 31, 2012
Dancers’ Group announced grants totaling $44,000 for the pilot year of the New Stages for Dance Initiative. With a strong response from the San Francisco Bay Area dance community, Dancers’ Group supported eight projects with theater rental grants ranging from $3,800 to $9,200. Grants were awarded to artists presenting work between January 1, 2011 and May 31, 2012 in one of four San Francisco theaters selected for the pilot round. They were Dance Mission, ODC Theater, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, and Z Space.
San Francisco New Stages for Dance 2011 – 2012 recipients:
Shared Program Grants
Jesse Hewit/Strong Behavior and Laura Arrington ($4,500)
The Dog Show
Z Space, November 2011
Nina Haft & Company and Facing East Dance & Music ($4,000)
Changing Places
ODC Theater, March 2012
New Theater Grants
Dance Brigade ($9,200)
The Great Liberation Upon Hearing
Yerba Buena Center for the Arts Novellus Theater, November 2011
Funsch Dance Experience ($4,500)
Funsch Solos Volume 3
Z Space, March 2012
Sins Invalid ($4,000)
Home Season
Z Space, April 2011
Increased Performances Grants
ABADÁ-Capoeira San Francisco ($6,500)
Spirit of Brazil
Z Space, May 2011
Duniya Dance and Drum Company ($3,800)
Dance Mission, October 2011
Zero Performance ($6,300)
Yerba Buena Center for the Arts Forum, April 2012
June 1, 2013 – October 31, 2014
Dancers’ Group announced grants totaling $40,100 for New Stages for Dance II. Nine projects were supported with theater rental grants ranging from $1,600 to $8,000. Grants were awarded to artists presenting work between June 1, 2013 and October 31, 2014 in one of five San Francisco performance venues, and they were: CounterPULSE, Dance Mission Theater, ODC Theater, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, and Z Space.
San Francisco New Stages for Dance II recipients:
Shared Program Grants
Scott Wells and Sheldon Smith ($4,500)
Father On
ODC Theater, December 2013
New Theater Grants
This is Dedicated…
CounterPULSE, June 2013
Mexico Danza ($6,500)
Mexico de mis Amores (Mexico of my loves)
ODC Theater, September 2013
RAWdance ($2,500)
RAWdance 10th Anniversary Season
Z Space, June 2014
Mary Armentrout ($5,000)
the woman invisible to herself and the man who’s not sure he exists yet decide to go in on an apartment
Z Space, July 2014
Garrett + Moulton ($8,000)
A Show of Hands
Lam Research Theater at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, October 2014
Increased Performances Grants
Amy Seiwert’s Imagery ($3,000)
ODC Theater, July 2013
Kegan Marling ($6,000)
Jump Ship Mid Way
CounterPULSE, June 2014
Lenora Lee Dance ($3,000)
Lenora Lee Dance’s 7th Anniversary Season
Dance Mission Theater, October 2014