Are we trapped in a static presenting model?
Much of contemporary dance in the Bay Area continues to be presented Thursday through Saturday at 8pm in traditional venues, following in the patterns of many other performance art forms. Distance is often created between “serious” contemporary dance and popular culture, and the underlying assumption is that to be considered legitimate, a work must have certain presentational aspects, be associated with certain venues, and subscribe to particular codes of relating to audience. However, much of the exciting work in contemporary dance of the last ten years explodes this model and questions whether it helps or hinders the evolution of the dance form. DDP #10 invited a group of artists, funders, curators/presenters, and writers to ask: Is this path to legitimacy still relevant, and why?
Thursday, February 24, 2011 at 7:30pm
CounterPULSE, 1310 Mission St (9th), SF