A NEW CROP of bright, talented individuals are rising in the ranks of the art administration sector. Often dubbed “emerging leaders,” this group is typically defined as under 35 years […]
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Welcome, Dec 2010
It has been a good year. Entering the last month of 2010 provides me with the time to unwind, while enjoying the perennial holiday gatherings that always abound, and take […]
Poppin’ Fresh: The 12th Annual SF Hip Hop DanceFest
HIP HOP IS BIG BUSINESS. The genre that started with kids break dancing at New York block parties in the 1970s is now a requirement on So You Think You […]
Fearless Grantwriting
EVERY ARTS ORGANIZATION will have to defend a seemingly indefensible situation to a potential funder at some point. Your first instinct might be to do everything you can to avoid […]
Crossroads: Part III: Teachers
This article is the third in a three-part series on the transformative experiences of Bay Area dancers, choreographers and dance teachers. “Crossroads: Part I: Dancers” ran in September 2010 and […]
Dancing After the Nonprofit is Gone
LOS LUPEÑOS DE SAN JOSÉ was founded in 1969 in San José, California. What began as a study-performance group formed to promote Mexican dance and culture grew over time to […]