How can you get the most out of working with a grantwriter? For the majority of those hiring a grantwriter, the goal is to find someone who can help secure […]
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The Silent E: 29 Effeminate Gestures, 24 Years Later
Joe Goode’s 29 Effeminate Gestures was first performed in 1987, by Joe Goode himself; it was literally a self-proclamation. It began with a muttered statement, repeated more and more emphatically, […]
The Consummate Conversationalist: An Interview with Monique Jenkinson
Conversation comes easy to Monique Jenkinson. We sat down together for dinner at her home in the Mission–to talk about her work–and nearly four laughter-filled hours later I found myself […]
Embodiment and Liberation: It’s not a sin to tell your story
Sins Invalid–a multi-media performance project that explores sexuality, embodiment and the disabled body–is dedicated to telling the kind of stories that empower, liberate and transform both our individual bodies and […]
Welcome, Apr 2011
With the blossoming buds of Spring, I am eager to feel the sun on my face and the flower of ideas that motivate. Yet my thoughts fill with more questions […]
Welcome, Mar 2011
What does age say about a person? An organization? In the dance world, one can imagine a host of responses to this question. Have influences of a youth-dominated culture encouraged […]