AfroRooted is something new. And at the same time, has existed long before the name was even created.
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The Year in Bay Area Dance, Dec 2008
As a way to close out another year ‘in dance,’ we take a look back at some of the memorable moments of 2008. We asked what you felt were the […]
Taking Up Space: A conversation between two dancers combating anti-fatness
ALL bodies deserve respect regardless of size, skin color, ethnic background, gender, sexuality, age, health or ability status.
Curating a Collision
“It is a delimitation of spaces and times, of the visible and the invisible, of speech and noise, that simultaneously determine the place and the stakes of politics as a […]
What’s in a Name: The Legacy of Everybody’s Creative Art Center
The 1970s were a time in America when black people awakened to their African heritage and were taking on new names more fitting their history and characters. For dancer and […]
The Bay Area’s Summer Performances: Theatrical adventures for any taste
If you want to experience the real Bay Area dance scene in all its breadth, depth, variety, and just-get-up-and-move wildness, you may have to come in the summer. True, September […]