CounterPulse’s Next Ten

TEN YEARS IS A LONG TIME. Since 2005, I got married, finished graduate research, moved across the ...

Artist Residencies as Homes for Community-building and Risk-taking

IN THE RECENTLY-RELEASED documentary about Yvonne Rainer called Feelings are Facts, one statement ...

HOMEBODY: Movement Meets Buddha Nature

PICTURE A BUDDHIST. What comes to mind? A red-robed monk or nun sitting patiently on a cushion, lips ...

SPEAK: Two Artists’ Reflection on A Poet’s Love

with José Joaquín García “… the angry, bitter dreams, let us now bury them… throw ...


“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of ...

Did you know? Mary Sano

ON OCTOBER 2ND Dancers’ Group and World Arts West will present Mary Sano and Her Duncan Dancers as ...


GO ALMOST ANYWHERE in the world and mention ‘Silicon Valley’ and most think of technology; from ...