One Chinese Foot, One American Foot: Talking with Lily Cai

[caption id="attachment_25706" align="alignleft" width="300"] Photo by Marty Sohl[/caption] MY ...


YOUNG AND EAGER, and younger-acting and more eager than many at 19, I taught my first lesson, a ...

Score Muscles

Choreographer Christy Funsch is delivering a new home practice called the 100 Days Score: a ...

Turn Around to See What’s Coming Next: A Conversation with Brenda Way about ODC’s 45th Anniversary

DURING A RESIDENCY at the American Academy in Rome, ODC’s Founder and Artistic Director Brenda Way ...

Grief and Patience: An Interview with Choreographer Stephen Pelton

IN MARCH, Stephen Pelton Dance Theatre returns to San Francisco after seven years with a new, ...

Choreofund: A Work in Progress

IN DECEMBER 2013, with the support of my co-workers, I started an experiment called CHOREOFUND. It ...

Finding Tap in the Bay Area

THE NOVEMBER 2015 In Dance article, Finding Flamenco by Heather DeSaulniers, inspired me to focus my ...