
By Maurya Kerr

September 16, 2020, PUBLISHED BY IN DANCE

[Image description: A poem that has spacing between various phrases, giving it a creative visual appearance. It reads: we stolen we sorrow / we shot as we run like deer as we run / we root we thrum / we drip we die we / blues we blood / we by every mean / we reckon the wrought / you wreak / we lay in wait we know you / can’t escape we all mighty / we ran free / we forced to flee / we ain’t your boy / we black girl / joy we the poetry / we the pearl we the patriots / the people,]

This article appeared in the Fall 2020 issue of In Dance.

Maurya Kerr is a bay area-based choreographer, writer, filmmaker, and the artistic director of tinypistol. Much of her work, across disciplines, is focused on black and brown people reclaiming their birthright to both wonderment and the quotidian. She is the Resident Curator for ODC Theater’s 2024/25 season and recently published her first poetry chapbooks, MUTTOLOGY with Small Harbor Publishing and tommy noun with C&R Press.
