Motion Arts Center: Contemporary Fusion Dance Class

Contributed By:  Motion Arts Center

See more: classes-workshops

This in-person event is perfect for dance enthusiasts of all levels who want to explore the fusion of different dance styles.

The first half of class is dedicated to warm up and exploration. We will warm up together with group combinations and contemporary exercises intended to make you sweat and get your body ready to move.

The second half of class is dedicated to learning choreography and embodying it to music. Phrase work in this class draws from Erin’s experiences with contemporary, release, improvisation, Gaga, physical theater and floor work techniques.

Dates:  Saturdays
Time:  11:30am-12:30pm
Location:  Motion Arts Center
Location Address:  

217 South Claremont Street
San Mateo, CA 94401

Contact Information:

Cost:  $20