BANDALOOP: Ground Class: the get down

Contributed By:  BANDALOOP

the get down is embodied generosity & imaginative rigor.
the get down is joy & sorrow, clamorous & soft.
the get down will be what you need it to be.
the get down is sunday morning church.
the get down is self-care & other-care.
the get down is sweaty catharsis.
the get down can get messy.
the get down is personal.
the get down is political.
the get down gets down.

Pre-registration and drop-ins welcome. Class is free for BIPOC and trans folks.

Age 18+

Dates:  Sun, May 19
Time:  11:45am-1:15pm
Location:  Bandaloop Studios
Location Address:  

1601 18th St, Oakland CA 94607

Contact Information:  


Cost:  $10 or free for BIPOC & trans folk who need the assistance (use code DANCEFREE to register)
DG Member Discount:  10% off
Code:  DG24