Joe Goode Performance Group: Starting Now: Spring Workshop

Contributed By:  Joe Goode Performance Group

Have you asked yourself lately “What matters to me now, in this stage of my life?”’ Part of the “Starting Now” methodology is to embrace the materials that may be drawn from your life at any given moment, to realize that making something with those materials is a way of waking up to your life and its possibilities. You will leave this workshop with tools, practices and inspiration to inhabit your life, your work and your relationships in a deeper and more deliberate way.

There is no dance or performance background necessary. Just bring your curiosity and something to write on.

Workshop will include:
*Movement for Humans- exploring the healing pleasure of simple mobility
*Writing from the Body- facilitated writing sessions that draw on what the body knows
*Metta practice- generate empathy through movement, voice, touch, and collaborative action
*The power of making- after generating materials that come from our experience, etc.

Dates:  Sat-Sun, May 18-19
Time:  10:00am-1:30pm
Location:  Joe Goode Annex
Location Address:  

401 Alabama Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

Contact Information:  

Please email

Cost:  $175
DG Member Discount:  $25 Off
Code:  StartNowDG Discount