Daria Halprin: Empowering Creativity

Contributed By:  Daria Halprin

See more: classes-workshops

The Life/Art Process®, developed by Anna Halprin and Daria Halprin, bridges body awareness, art expression, and psychological processes, providing people with an opportunity to experience dance and the expressive arts as a way to learn, heal, expand creativity, and develop new strategies for personal and professional life. This groundbreaking, innovative approach to human development, embodied creativity, and transformative learning began in the 1950s, and the tradition continues today.

Daria Halprin’s work connects dance, somatics, psychology, and artistic practices to foster personal, group, and community development and creativity. In this workshop, movement, dance, drawing, poetic dialogue, reflective exchanges, and witnessing practices will generate new thresholds of exploration and expression, catalyzing new resources for daily life.

Dates:  Mon-Fri, Jul 29-Aug 2
Time:  All day
Location:  Esalen Institute
Location Address:  

55000 Highway 1
Big Sur, CA 93920

Contact Information:  


Cost:  depends on accommodation | scholarships available at https://www.esalen.org/learn/scholarships