Hannah Meleokaiao Ayasse

Hannah Meleoakaiao Ayasse (she/they) is born and based in Huichin, Ohlone Land also called Oakland, CA. She is a dance artist, administrator, curator, and educator whose work explores deep listening and improvisational practice within interpersonal and environmental relationships. Grounded in community building and creating, Hannah serves as CounterPulse’s Program Director, co-curates the Performance Primers and teaches Creative Movement to children aged 3-7 at Shawl Anderson Dance Center. Hannah has presented her own work at Joe Goode Annex, San Francisco Center for the Book, SAFEhouse Arts, Albany Bulb, and various DIY spaces throughout the Bay Area. Hannah holds a BA in Dance and Psychology from The George Washington University and has continued her dance training and performance with various dance companies throughout the Bay Area and Germany.

Apr 13, 2022
Learning to Dance Or When Lessons on Transformation are Lessons on Belonging