In Dance

In Practice: Adia Whitaker & Àse Dance Theatre Collective: Having, Knowing, and Saying No to Fear

Photo by Orfesas Skutelis “You shouldn’t be in a sonogram thinking, I’m going to have a ...

Questioning Contact Improvisation

Photo by Robbie Sweeny INTRODUCTION For more than 15 years I've been working to understand and ...


Flourish has become a favorite word. You can use flourish to describe style, a mindset, prosperity, ...

SPEAK: SUNSET DANCES and Being Grateful

Photo by Daniller Photography Making dance has always been a mixture of disciplined artistry and ...

In Practice: Meet Talli Jackson

Photo by Eric Polizer I grew up in Brooklyn (New York, not Wisconsin; if you think the ...

Presidio Theatre Relaunch

Photo by Terry Lerant Renovation is a tough, arduous process. Making major changes always is. ...

Did You Know? Bahiya Movement

Photo by Chani Bockwinkel Highlighting the Activities of Artists/Organizations in Our Region ...

Building a House of Culture: Jesús Cortez’s Journey to Create Cuicacalli Dance Company

Photo by Sam Rodar How many times has a dancer dreamed over a cup of tea at La Boheme? The cafe ...

Healing the Immigrant Body with Performance

Photo by Robbie Sweeny During my 16 years as an undocumented artist, I was deeply disconnected from ...

Colleen Mulvihill: June 9, 1952 – March 2, 2019

After a brief, sudden illness, long time Bay Area resident dance artist Colleen Mulvihill died ...