In Dance


“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of ...

Did you know? Mary Sano

ON OCTOBER 2ND Dancers’ Group and World Arts West will present Mary Sano and Her Duncan Dancers as ...


GO ALMOST ANYWHERE in the world and mention ‘Silicon Valley’ and most think of technology; from ...

PURSUING INTIMACIES: Joe Goode’s installation makes performance into a personal encounter

FOR A GUY who’s interested in the “up close and personal,” Joe Goode is awfully hard to meet ...

SHE, WHO CAN SEE, Finding balance with choreographer Alleluia Panis

[caption id="attachment_21192" align="alignleft" width="300"] Kularts/Photo by Wilfred ...

Dancing Through a Jewish Lens

How does being Jewish shape our lives and our work as dance artists? What do we have to contribute ...

ORGANIZED CHAOS: Lenora Lee’s Fire of Freedom Tackles PTSD

GROWING FROM A RESIDENCY on the tiny black box stage at The Garage in San Francisco to ...

SPEAK: The Practice of Conjure Art in the Making of EarthBodyHOME

[caption id="attachment_21196" align="alignleft" width="200"] Photo by Robbie Sweeny[/caption] AS ...

Sustain Arts for the Bay Area: A New Website

A project of the Hauser Institute for Civil Society at Harvard University, in partnership ...


THERE ARE MOMENTS when words, movements, sounds and sometimes smells, collide; space shifts and the ...