In Dance

What Does “Healthy” Mean? A Look at Dancers’ Body Types and Shifting Notions of Wellness

It wasn’t so long ago that university dance programs were affiliated with physical education ...

Understanding Your Health Insurance Options

From the first hints of reforms to the nation’s health care system several years ago to the ...

Stretching the Limits: Managing Hypermobile Joints

Proper care of a hypermobile body can mean the difference between a fulfilling career and sidelined ...


For over a decade, I exceled at over-packing my schedule. I spent the bulk of my day rehearsing with ...

Health Care Volunteers Work to Keep You Dancing

Are you aware that there is a Healthy Dancers’ Clinic (HDC) at ODC Dance Commons for the Dance ...

Book Review: Ralph Lemon’s Come home Charley Patton

In Come home Charley Patton (Wesleyan University Press, 2013), choreographer, writer and visual ...

A Show Must Go On, Jérôme Bel Style

FEW ARTISTS HAVE TRIGGERED the intensity of divisive responses that Jérôme Bel has elicited for ...

Rad Dads

I HAVE A 2-YEAR-OLD SON. He’s awesome. There’s something so basic about raising a kid. it’s ...

The Jewish Nutcracker Goes Back in History and Redresses for the Holidays

MAKING HISTORIC COSTUMES for the theater can toss a designer way back in time, but for ...

Emotional Histories Become Movement: Speaking with Noemi Araxi of Arax Dance

“DO YOU HAVE A LOVE FOR DANCE?” [caption id="attachment_4672" align="alignright" width="257"] ...