Editor’s Note: As a way to further contribute to the 95 Rituals project that offers a variety of opportunities to pay tribute to the work of Anna Halprin, In Dance […]


THE RANGE AND QUALITY OF DANCE PERFORMANCES presented in the Bay Area continues to expand, and that’s the truly good news, but the challenge remains that all too frequently, many […]

Connecting at the Dancewoods Festival

This article originally appeared in Stance on Dance. As a dancer, my physical reality strongly influences who I am, how I move and think. Knowing this about myself, I make […]


THE FIRST TIME I WORKED with the teens of YBCA’s Young Artists at Work program (YAAW), I watched them navigate Keith Hennessey’s Turbulence: A Dance About the Economy after discussing […]

95 and counting

score by Ann Murphy in collaboration with Wayne Hazzard, Shinichi Iova-Koga, and various texts   95 Rituals is a collaborative celebration emerging over three months in honor of visionary dance […]


UNTIL NOW, I have always veered towards being hopeful, a cliché-loving, the-glass-is-more-than-half-full, the-sun-will-come-out-tomorrow, rose-colored-glasses kind of guy. And yet circumstances in my life, such as abuse, or bullying, or the […]

Dena Beard Gets Moving: The Lab’s Director Talks about a Vision for Art-Making

It’s been a year and a half since Dena Beard took over the directorship of The Lab. The longtime hub for experimental cross-disciplinary art and performance, founded by five San […]

Dance Discourse Project #22

Dance Discourse Project 22:  animal, human, posthuman Mon, Mar 28, 2o16 7:30pm CounterPulse, 80 Turk St, SF FREE Taxonomies have boxed in humans (and in particular certain humans) as separate […]

THE LIVES OF A DANCE/DANCER: Keith Hennessy on his collaboration with Sara Shelton Mann

IN JANUARY, A REUNION took place at CounterPulse among eight former members of Contraband, the legendary radical dance troupe founded and directed by Sara Shelton Mann and active in San Francisco […]

TLAOLI: Gente del Maiz

Para Rodrigo Esteva — translation from Spanish by Mirah Moriarty included below. Mirah y yo creamos Dance Monks en el 2000 mientras vivíamos en Xalapa, México. Antes de esto habíamos pasado […]