Adaptar en vez de Excluir: una Conversación con Nadia Adame, Directora Artística de AXIS Dance Company

A los 14 años, tuve un accidente automovilístico que me dejó con una lesión en la médula espinal. El médico me dijo: “Ya no puedes hacer esto. Ya no puedes bailar. Debes encontrar otra carrera”.

Mujer Sav/bia*, Guatesi torta Yalabitata** –en Español

Quienes somos está ligado esencialmente al espacio en el que crecimos y todas las memorias que tenemos sobre esos espacios.

Ba-e Makiling: Deconstructing the Present to Re-imagine the Past

In a lush tropical forest speckled with dappled light and alive with the sounds of wildlife, a shape shifting deity turns herself into a wild animal that is pursued and cornered […]

Emily Hansel: Four by Four

Choreographed by Emily Hansel and co-created by dancers Alex Carrington, Mia J. Chong, Shareen DeRyan, and Chelsea Reichert, Four by Four is a messy attempt at refusing productivity. Since beginning work in […]

Tax & Financial Resources

Tax Preparation Resources Updated 3/21/2024 New Direct File A pilot program available in California and 11 other states. This historic service makes it easier for millions of families to claim […]

Submit a Resource or Opportunity

Each week, Dancers’ Group sends out two comprehensive emails to our members – Community Offerings (workshops, ongoing classes, pre-recorded videos or audio, other online content) DG Weekly (upcoming auditions, grants,  job […]


I’m breathing deeper, smiling more and sleeping. This is largely due to the results of the mid-term elections in November, which provided major wins locally and nationally—good news that was […]

Demystifying the Art of Presenting

As a presenter for nearly 30 years now, the question I get asked by artists, more than any other, is, “How do I get my work presented?” Sometimes it’s directed […]

Welcome, Oct 2012

I imagine we would all want to be informed of the following:  Congratulations, you’re a winner! Hearing thunderous bravo’s with a standing ovation. Receiving that letter informing you that your […]

The Art of Government: Looking Forward in 2013

After a seemingly endless election season, everyone could probably use a break from talking politics. But politics (and policy making) carries on, so here’s a quick run-down on what this […]