Dancers for a Free Palestine: Tactics of Resistance that Artists Understand

As the horrors of the ongoing U.S. funded Israeli genocide in Palestine pour into our social media feeds from Gaza over the last six months, it has become more clear to me how FLACC’s seemingly small, yet, public “platform” has more influence and power on a political and cultural stage than I realized.

SPEAK by Dohee Lee

Inner Travel with Myth and Past Lives, History and Stories, Dreams and Future. I am looking at the ocean from the far West Pacific out to my homeland Jeju Island, South […]

Turning Thirty: Joe Goode Performance Group Celebrates a Very Vital Enterprise

When a dance company reaches its 30th birthday, this is cause for celebration. It usually means they’ve managed to stay afloat in unstable economic periods, weathered artistic storms, and nurtured […]

SPEAK By Erin Mei-Ling Stuart

“There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.” Lately, I keep thinking of that Leonard Cohen lyric. Because lately, I’ve been thinking about— and trying to […]

Observations Away From Home: On Being in Rome

Over the years, I’ve visited glorious churches, stayed in the hill towns and travelled the Appian Way, but these weeks in Rome are perhaps the first I have ever spent […]

Dancing Borders, Digitial Nations

DRESSED IN CAMBODIAN REGALIA and wearing a highly-stylized tail, Ouk Solichumnith appears as Sovann Macha. Her wrists turn softly as she kicks a leg back and upward past her waist; […]

Welcome, Jul/Aug 2010

How do we catalyze creativity? I have a crystal ball on my desk. The optical beauty of the sphere never ceases to provide amusement to first time visitors to my […]

Dance and Flower: dNaga’s peace about life: Dancing with Parkinson’s

We dancers demand an impossibly high degree of control—over our muscles, our bones, our emotions. We strive to defy powers greater than ourselves (gravity, for starters) and to outwit random […]

Deborah Slater Dance Theater Celebrates 20 Years

Eight dancers move through in an imaginary house, a dream space of empty rooms and corridors. Deborah Slater’s voice enters their reverie, encouraging them to abandon the notion that they […]

SPEAK By Jose Navarrete

In 2007 I went to India, and on that journey I experienced everything from horror to beauty: magnificent palaces and temples contrasting with the utmost human misery. Throughout it all, […]