Parades and Changes Over the Past 43 Years: an Interview with Anna Halprin

When choreographer and dancer Anna Halprin and her husband Larry perched themselves on the side of Mount Tamalpais in Marin County, they rooted their creative futures in a landscape of […]

Musing on Merce: The Bay Area Remembers Cunningham

Merce Cunningham’s relationship with the Bay Area was deep and career-spanning, so on the eve of his company’s final performances at UC Berkeley, Claudia Bauer asked several local artists to […]

New View

With fresh faces popping up constantly, the local Bay Area dance community is a unique blend of seasoned and new perspectives. In Dance caught the new view from the new […]

The Consummate Conversationalist: An Interview with Monique Jenkinson

Conversation comes easy to Monique Jenkinson. We sat down together for dinner at her home in the Mission–to talk about her work–and nearly four laughter-filled hours later I found myself […]

Constructive Grantwriting

How can you get the most out of working with a grantwriter? For the majority of those hiring a grantwriter, the goal is to find someone who can help secure […]

Leading the Dance Field Through Change

During my first few months as the executive director of Dance/USA, I engaged dance leaders from around the country in conversations about the state of the field. What are they […]

Synchronous Objects: What Else Might Dance Look Like?: An Interview with Professor Norah Zuniga-Shaw

Back in college, while in one of my countless rehearsals I remember thinking, “I wonder what areas of the stage we use the most?” Little did I know that this […]

Stretching Across the Urban Jungle: ONSITE Presents Katie Faulkner’s We Don’t Belong Here

On the heels of an ambitious four-choreographer collaboration with Kara Davis, Manuelito Biag, and Alex Ketley, Katie Faulkner is not only stretching herself as an artist, but is now literally […]

Change and Age: Women Dancers in Midlife

A number of years ago, I was taking a course in adult development as a doctoral student in Clinical Psychology. One day a lively discussion ensued as the professor and […]

Welcome, Oct 2011

I’m curious, when we watch a performance, how many of our aspirations are imbedded in understanding a particular moment or work? Are we imprinting our own creativity on others’ work/dances? […]