Room Enough For All: Debunking Bay Area Hula Traditions

Even with the impressive and growing number of hula schools in the Bay Area, a majority of people still associate hula dance with a false stereotype. “Most people think of […]

Did You Know? Studio Grand

Did You Know? Studio Grand Oakland’s Studio Grand is a nonprofit, multi-use space that supports local families, youth, and emerging and established artists by hosting a mix of music, performance, […]

Ba-e Makiling: Deconstructing the Present to Re-imagine the Past

In a lush tropical forest speckled with dappled light and alive with the sounds of wildlife, a shape shifting deity turns herself into a wild animal that is pursued and cornered […]

Review: San Francisco Hip Hop DanceFest

A certain palpable energy was humming through the audience at the Palace of Fine Arts on Sunday, November 19th, where Micaya’s San Francisco Hip Hop DanceFest played host all weekend […]

given, found, finding, making, re-making, finding again

Photo by Hong Xu. [ID: A young Chinese father wears a long-sleeved collared shirt and tie, holding his baby daughter half-wrapped in a towel. He’s in the middle of exclaiming […]

The Grant You Wish You Could Write

Photo by Marley Trigg Stewart. [ID: Miguel Gutierrez looks softly into the camera while biting a rosary, bathed in orange light. He is a light skinned, Latinx cis-man with short […]


Traveling provides an opportunity to refresh, reflect and reframe. The refreshing part of a journey starts once I’m in my preferred mode of transport—a bike, a car, a bus, a […]


Nearly one year ago while at Djerassi Resident Artists Program, a fellow resident artist recommended I check out for additional residency programs I may be interested in applying to. This began […]

The Silent E: 29 Effeminate Gestures, 24 Years Later

Joe Goode’s 29 Effeminate Gestures was first performed in 1987, by Joe Goode himself; it was literally a self-proclamation. It began with a muttered statement, repeated more and more emphatically, […]

Total Eclipse of the Heart Review; Circo Zero at Theater Artaud

From the moment the cast of five stomps onto the stage in fuzzy, Where the Wild Things Are overcoats, until the last, sliding body descends from its rope, Sol Niger, […]