Soft Power

Uncomfortable sweat drips under my arms, my cheeks burning as I speak up on the panel. I challenge an application because it’s unclear how the applicant belonged to a marginalized BIPOC community and why they share stories of this community as a cis-white person.


We live in a time where love costs. As an example, I love this country but do I love all the people here? The cost is to feel fully. The cost is to believe that no matter what’s going on in the world there will be grief, goodness, ugliness, rebellion, confusion and love. As the lyrics to the song go, “what the world needs now is love sweet love….”

Catching up with Dana Lawton Dances and The Farallonites

One Saturday afternoon last February, I sat upstairs in Shawl-Anderson Dance Center’s large studio space watching Dana Lawton Dances (DLD) prepare their upcoming new work, The Farallonites.

Preserving, Building and Connecting: Addressing Social Justice Issues through Culturally Specific Dance

Culturally specific dance is a lifeline for diverse cultural communities throughout the United States to stay connected to our cultural roots. This article explores the role of culturally specific dancers to address important social justice issues of our time and the capacity building support needed to maximize their impact on the communities they serve as well as the dance sector at-large.

Equity, Equality, and Solidarity

Racial Equity Commitment and Conversation January 26, 2021 – Dancers’ Group affirms and recommits to striving for racial equity, both internally in our work environment, work processes, and hiring decisions […]

SpectorDance’s 2nd Virtual Choreographers Showcase

Featuring Sandra Scheuber – Alameda, CA Becky Robinson-Leviton – Pomona, CA Cesar R’ Degollado  – Tucson, AZ Fran Spector Atkins – Monterey, CA Margaret Wingrove – San Jose, CA Danah […]

Anchor Us: Making and not Making in the time of Covid

For two artists who are self-producing events for their local communities, the notion of having a practice that negated any kind of product appealed—at once sustainable and restorative.

Finding a Flow Through Heartistry

With an infinite number of podcasts to listen to, why would I add another one to the list? Would anyone even listen to it, who would I speak with, what would we discuss?

9th Annual SF Son Jarocho Festival Concert

Explore the folkloric music style of Veracruz, Mexico, during a two-day virtual festival of music, workshops, and conversations. We are excited to bring you some of the most accomplished and experimental […]

SF Dance Film Festival Spring Fling

Bringing live performance from the stage to the screen, San Francisco Dance Film Festival’s Spring Fling Festival pays tribute to all the dancers who were prevented from performing live for the […]