CSUEB Inclusive Performance Festival

The Festival runs from Tue, April 6– Sat, May 8. The Cal State East Bay Department of Theatre and Dance is collaborating with Dandelion Dancetheater and a wildly diverse group […]

Children’s Tales From Around the World

Saint Mary’s College’s Children’s Tales From Around the Globe is an on-demand dance theatre film of stories inspired by the books Strega Nona by Tomie dePaola, My Feet Are Laughing by Lissette Norman, Call Me Tree by Maya Christina Gonzalez, The […]

Equity, Equality, and Solidarity

Racial Equity Commitment and Conversation January 26, 2021 – Dancers’ Group affirms and recommits to striving for racial equity, both internally in our work environment, work processes, and hiring decisions […]

Emergence Dance Festival

Emergence Dance is proud to present our first virtual dance festival of the 2021 season. This love themed festival centers around the movement in falling into the true passion of […]

Oakland Asian Cultural Center: Lunar New Year Celebration

Oakland Asian Cultural Center (OACC) will present its first-ever virtual Lunar New Year Celebration with a weeklong schedule of diverse cultural content featuring new year’s traditions from China, Vietnam, Korea, […]

In Conversation: Claudine Naganuma and Selma Apara

You are reading excerpts from Claudine Naganuma and Selma Apara’s recorded conversation. Listen to the conversation. Transcript of the full conversation

Preserving, Building and Connecting: Addressing Social Justice Issues through Culturally Specific Dance

Culturally specific dance is a lifeline for diverse cultural communities throughout the United States to stay connected to our cultural roots. This article explores the role of culturally specific dancers to address important social justice issues of our time and the capacity building support needed to maximize their impact on the communities they serve as well as the dance sector at-large.

slow, sticky, sustainable

I am ready for a different world. I am ready for a world where care leads practices of policy-making. I am ready for a world where we abolish not only systems of physical incarceration, but punitive and carceral thinking and culture as well.

Catching up with Dana Lawton Dances and The Farallonites

One Saturday afternoon last February, I sat upstairs in Shawl-Anderson Dance Center’s large studio space watching Dana Lawton Dances (DLD) prepare their upcoming new work, The Farallonites.

What’s in a Conversation?

“We had an incredible Practitioner Exchange last night!” I tell my Luna colleagues, “I laughed, I even cried, we danced around, and the conversation just flowed.” I realize as I’m saying this, that I’m not fully describing the depth of the discussion, and that in fact, it sounds a bit trite.