Welcome, Mar 2010

Creating space for dance—whether real or imagined—is what makes a dance a dance. This is a timeless theme in our community, whether the tradition comes from the Judson via Halprin […]

Bay Area Ballet Makes a Comeback

SAN FRANCISCO HAS ALWAYS BEEN A DANCE TOWN. The mother of modern dance, Isadora Duncan, was born here; dozens of choreographers and dancers have gotten their start here or decided […]

Moving Histories

The devastation of New Orleans by Hurricane Katrina in 2005, the destructive fury of Hurricane Gustav in 2008 and most recently, the massive earthquake in Haiti have shocked the world […]

Art Meets Life: The 30th Annual Planetary Dance

At the end of the movie Miss Congeniality, Sandra Bullock’s character tearfully confesses that she really does want world peace. Okay, it’s a little silly—and I’m not embarrassed to admit […]

Across State Lines—New Direction, Comes New Information

Currently, I am an Assistant Professor of Dance at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point and after three years of focusing on navigating the rocky shores of academic life, I have […]

From Tsunamis to Juice

I often think I am without value as a dance artist, yet I know from the bottom of my soul, dance is the very center of my life and is […]

SPEAK: Realer than Reel

I am currently in the development stages of a new performance project called HyperREAL. My process always includes an amalgamation of research, contemplating themes and ideas, collecting, absorbing and digesting […]

Kinesthetic Aesthetic: On Explaining Dance to Your Friends & the Outside World

I joke with dancer friends about it all the time. Inevitably we face the pervasive question. You know what it is, it haunts you at parties, lurks behind the wine […]

Riding the Panel Process

The panel-based selection process frequently used by arts funders, residency programs and award committees has always felt on par with how dodge ball teams were picked in PE class—elitist, superficial […]

Bridging Borders: Nina Haft & Co. in the Middle East

Nina Haft visited the Middle East in 2007 to experience the culture and see firsthand how people there use dance to address the immense challenges in their lives, from restricted […]