Welcome, Jun 2011

We’re at the half-point in the year and it’s time to remind ourselves of the good job we do and then find time to indulge in a little extra special […]

Reinventing Emily: A Choreographer

With my company, Danse Lumière (formerly Anima Mundi), a small-scale dance-theater group, I delve into large themed projects that lead me into deeper engagement with the subjects: I create unique […]

The Consummate Conversationalist: An Interview with Monique Jenkinson

Conversation comes easy to Monique Jenkinson. We sat down together for dinner at her home in the Mission–to talk about her work–and nearly four laughter-filled hours later I found myself […]

Welcome, Mar 2011

What does age say about a person? An organization? In the dance world, one can imagine a host of responses to this question. Have influences of a youth-dominated culture encouraged […]

Dance Discourse Project #6

Dancing in the World: Excavating Site Specific Dance in the Bay Area The Bay Area has a long and storied history of site specific dance exploration, and is continually coming […]

Dance Discourse Project #9

Dance and Somatics in the Bay Area- What’s the Connection? DDP#9 looked at ways somatic practices have historically been intertwined with dance in the Bay Area, and investigated some of […]