Direct from the Source

As a university professor I consider it a crucial part of my job to question the teacher-student relationship, and what makes for effective teaching. This questioning has grown increasingly pertinent, […]


Size matters, mostly. I like my encounters to feel big and bold. In a space where bodies defy expectations in size, ability, race, and gender, while providing intimate physical moments […]

Gaining Perspectives, Changing Perceptions – ARTICLE #2: Our World in Constant Motion

Editors Note: In the December 2016 issue of In Dance Farah Yasmeen Shaikh wrote about her experiences as a Pakistani Muslim-American woman Kathak artist and her work teaching and performing […]

SPEAK: future friend/ships

Jassem Hindi “Irony is about the tension of holding incompatible things together because both or all are necessary and true. Irony is about humor and serious play. It is also […]

DID YOU KNOW? Dance For A Reason

Founded in 2012 by a group of current and former San Francisco Ballet dancers—Garen Scribner, James Sofranko, and Margaret Karl—Dance For A Reason (DanceFAR) supports the work of the Cancer […]


Creation is an unruly and complex thing, full of seeming contradictions. A dictionary of words describe it, refusing to adhere to grammar, to consistent parts of speech. Exploration / limitation […]

Feminist Space in Dance: hers and hers asks questions with little seismic’s Katie Faulkner

Hey, We’re hers and hers. A new queer feminist dance collective in San Francisco We (Courtney King and myself) craft dance-theater with strong woman-identified performers, we write epic poems that […]

On Gender and Performance: Six Statements by Six Artists

Comments by Akram Khan in January about women in the dance world(1) sparked a flurry of responses, both online and in publications. Dancers’ Group has decided to examine this topic more carefully […]

Speak: Sisters

All Roads Are Lined With Teeth is a new evening-length show choreographed and directed by sisters Megan and Shannon Kurashige for their San Francisco-based company Sharp & Fine. Created in […]

Score Muscles

Choreographer Christy Funsch is delivering a new home practice called the 100 Days Score: a collection of 100 prompts to spark daily creative investigations. AMONG DANCEMAKERS of a certain ilk, […]