Ba-e Makiling: Deconstructing the Present to Re-imagine the Past

In a lush tropical forest speckled with dappled light and alive with the sounds of wildlife, a shape shifting deity turns herself into a wild animal that is pursued and cornered […]

Dena Beard Gets Moving: The Lab’s Director Talks about a Vision for Art-Making

It’s been a year and a half since Dena Beard took over the directorship of The Lab. The longtime hub for experimental cross-disciplinary art and performance, founded by five San […]

Artist Residencies as Homes for Community-building and Risk-taking

IN THE RECENTLY-RELEASED documentary about Yvonne Rainer called Feelings are Facts, one statement reveals a key element in the artistic explorations of the 1960s: Steve Paxton says that he had […]


Editor’s Note: As a way to further contribute to the 95 Rituals project that offers a variety of opportunities to pay tribute to the work of Anna Halprin, In Dance […]

BRIDGING THE GAPS: Challenges and Opportunities for US-China Cross-Cultural Exchange

WHEN I FIRST VISITED CHINA to perform in the Beijing Dance Festival in 2012, I arrived assuming that modern dance in China was a relatively new, underdeveloped phenomenon. I had no […]

Did you know? La Peña Cultural Center

Highlighting the Activities of Artists/Organizations in Our Region La Peña Cultural Center is a vibrant community space with a national reputation and global vision that promotes peace, social justice and […]

CRITICAL DIALOGUES: Rachel Howard and Scott Marlowe

What if, rather than writing a review, a critic sat down with a choreographer to have a two-way conversation about the work? That’s the experiment behind Critical Dialogues. For this first installment, […]

Participating Artists

Amara Tabor-Smith is a San Francisco NATIVE. Born on Majestic Ave, raised on Castro St. She is a dancer because of ED MOCK who taught her about music, spirit, love, […]

ONSITE: Jo Kreiter

Niagara Falling (world premiere) Aerial dance, film and a story of what America is A street, two towns, a nation falling and rising FREE Wed-Sat, Sep 26-29, 2012 30-minute performance at […]

Dancing An Homage: Shantala Shivalingappa Honors Her Mentors with Namasya

Shantala Shivalingappa is a truly gifted dancer, so graceful and precise that she seems to move as one with the music. Her leaps are effortless, airy, with the spring of […]