Book Review: Defining Radical Bodies

When someone says “radical change,” I wonder which definition they are using for “radical.” The word can refer to an approach that comes from outliers, one that challenges existing views, […]

Supporting One Educator at a Time, Over Time

By 6pm on the last Tuesday of any given month, you’ll find a Luna Dance Institute faculty member in a sweat and speed-talking as they jog back-and-forth from their office […]

Synchronous Objects: What Else Might Dance Look Like?: An Interview with Professor Norah Zuniga-Shaw

Back in college, while in one of my countless rehearsals I remember thinking, “I wonder what areas of the stage we use the most?” Little did I know that this […]

Dispersing the Diaspora: Excerpts from the CounterPULSE Blog

Edited by Maureen Walsh Traversing personal and cultural borders are two topics that the Performing Diaspora artists, staff and audience are talking about. I’ve sifted though the CounterPULSE blog, selecting […]

What is Dance/USA?

You’ve most likely heard the name Dance/USA. But what exactly does the organization do? Why, you may ask, do we need a national organization for dance when we’ve got support […]

An American in Düsseldorf: Shifts in Perspective: Experience at a European Dance Festival

This summer I was invited to join Dance/USA as part of the American delegation at the Internationale Tanzmesse NRW, a biennial international dance festival and conference in Düsseldorf, Germany. I […]

Flamenco Moving on Two Paths

Flamencologists tell us that the art of Flamenco was nurtured for centuries among the gitano (gypsy) families of Andalucia, but not performed in public until the mid-nineteenth century, and not […]

A SEAT AT THE TABLE: If you don’t have a seat at the table, you are probably on the menu.

Photo by Robbie Sweeny I am a storyteller, a translator, an everyperson, trying to ‘get’ life’s inexplicable moments. I make work to try and understand difficult life experiences, like the […]

Dance/USA: A Summer Camp Survival Guide

Like camp as a kid, the national dance community can look forward to Dance/USA’s Annual Conference each summer. Except, instead of the arts & crafts table, scary campfire stories, and […]

Find Time and Space with Residency Programs

Inspiration pours from your graceful fingertips and toes. If only you had time and space to explore the depths of your imagination freely, validating what you already know to be […]