25 Years of the Izzies

In 25 years of recognizing Bay Area dance, members of the Izzies committee have collectively seen more than 10,000 performances, contributed countless volunteer hours and even announced the awards at […]

Repertoire Rights: The Legalities of Remounting Work

IN THE FILM THE LAST STATION, the Countess Sofia tries to drown herself after chancing upon the will of her husband, Leo Tolstoy. He has not left his prodigious body […]

Craft in Context: Lineage, Mentorship and the work of Hope Mohr

“POSTMODERN DANCE SUFFERS FROM HISTORICAL AMNESIA, as each subsequent generation breaks with tradition and wants to forge uncharted aesthetic paths.” John Killacky’s argument in his article “Anna’s Postmodern Children” (In […]

SPEAK By Patty Berne

“A performance project on disability and sexuality? Really? Why? I mean, I never really thought that handicapped people have sex!” — anonymous observation #132 Blunt truth be told, we do […]

Dance Discourse Project #6

Dancing in the World: Excavating Site Specific Dance in the Bay Area The Bay Area has a long and storied history of site specific dance exploration, and is continually coming […]

Dance Discourse Project #9

Dance and Somatics in the Bay Area- What’s the Connection? DDP#9 looked at ways somatic practices have historically been intertwined with dance in the Bay Area, and investigated some of […]