Celebrating Our HeART-filled Heritage: Leela Dance Collective


Leela Dance Collective ensemble members take kathak to the streets, performing against the backdrop of our unusually quiet cityscapes. After the performance, participate in an introductory kathak workshop and experience the way that kathak dance can ground the body, focus the mind, and uplift the spirit. Finally, don’t miss the live Q&A session with Leela […]


Yemanja Arts Festival 2021


This year's virtual platform will be Free to stream on Brasarte Facebook. VIP Zoom tickets: $15 BrasArte presents this unique performing arts festival celebrating the spirit of Yemanjá, the African deity that honors the essential, beautiful and sometimes-dangerous nature of water. Inspired by the original Yemanjá Festival celebrated in Bahia, Brazil, the Yemanjá Arts Festival […]


Fallen Heroes,Rising Stars: A Juneteenth Dance Celebration


“Hard times call for furious dancing” - Alice Walker 11th ANNUAL "FALLEN HEROES RISING STARS: A JUNTEEENTH CELEBRATION THROUGH DANCE" - Junteeenth is going virtual! All events are FREE & FACEBOOK LIVE on Grown Women Dance Collective's Facebook page. JUNETEENTH DANCE CONCERT + Q&A with DANCERS We're celebrating our community's strength, resilience, self-empowerment, and joy, […]
