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HART Residency Showcase
The HART program brings its season to a close with two showings. Witness the culminating works of 6 amazing Black Bay Area artists, 3 dancers and 3 lyricists.
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The Hip Hop Artist Residency & Training (HART) Program is a 4-month residency that provides training and performance opportunities to Black/African-American young adults (ages 18+) building careers in Hip Hop and the arts. HART is a collaboration between PUSH Dance Company and Zaccho Dance Theater funded by the SF Dream Keeper Initiative.
A dark-skinned Black woman with neon pink glasses and an iridescent pink jumpsuit on has her mouth open singing soulfully. In yellow test it reads "HART Showcase". In white text it reads "6 resident… artists, 3 dancers, 3 lyricists, 2 showings, 1 stage. March 15th, 1pm and 4pm".
Photo by: Edward Miller