First House Party

I was 10 years old, a total nerd.

March 2014

Welcome By Wayne Hazzard Dancing with Jiajia on the Spine of the Temple of Heaven By Aleta Hayes Movement Exchange: Building a Model for Sustainable Dance Diplomacy By Rob Taylor […]

Quiet Storm; Lily Cai Pays Tribute to Women

On the screen of Lily Cai’s laptop, three small images of the same dancer move in not quite perfect unison. Cradling a large glass ball between her head and shoulder […]

State of Play Festival: hadar ahuvia

nefesh sutures generations and genres, bridging the worlds of contemporary performance, dance, eastern european Jewish music, and feminist mysticism. The work reclaims millennia old diasporic traditions and cultures almost destroyed by […]

SPEAK: Beyond Stage Space

When I think of a typical performance experience, I imagine one of the intimate theaters tucked in unlikely locations all over the Bay Area; of being huddled backstage, getting dressed […]

SPEAK By Kathleen Hermesdorf

“This is the beginning of the future” I thought, as I awoke this past January 1. 2009 is the year of the Ox in the Chinese calendar, a year of […]

Director’s Note, Oct 2009

Dance and fashion, what comes to mind when you read those words? For me, specific images that inform our movement-based, clothed libidos. What we put on our bodies is, at […]

SPEAK By Michelle Fletcher

I am writing you because I just quit my 9-5 job as a personal trainer. I started a dance company, Here Now Dance Collective. Knowing you and the pressure we […]

Out of Order: Disobedient Dance Criticism

“The review, the most common form of dance writing, is weak as much for how it attempts to describe the object of that performed event as for what it leaves […]

Queer Collisions: Personal Interrogations of Life and Performance

I think I’m queer, but I hesitate to think so. Here are some known facts about my queerness: How I might be queer 1. I’ve been curated into a queer […]