Community Calendar

The Crisis in Criticism: The Economy, the Internet and the Death of Dance Writing, Jun 2009

If you are reading this, odds are you earn at least part of your living working in the arts, or are a committed member of the dance audience. Let me […]

One Website under California with Profiles and Resources for all, May 2008

Starting this May, every dance group in California from the San Francisco Ballet to the local community center hip hop group will have access to a powerful new tool for […]

Presence and Liveness in Online Learning: A Lesson in Choreographing Students from Afar

For the past year, I have been working on a new choreography that premiered this past April 17-26 as a part of the annual Berkeley Dance Project (BDP) directed by […]

For the Love of Dance; Dance Writers on Criticism, Nov 2007

Dancers’ Group asks seven Bay Area dance critics questions about their jobs and role of dance criticism.

Regaining an American Foothold in the International Dance Scene

According to a survey conducted for Dance/USA in 1991, national dance touring companies earned approximately 40% of their income from international engagements. The majority of companies stated that international touring […]

Musing on Merce: The Bay Area Remembers Cunningham

Merce Cunningham’s relationship with the Bay Area was deep and career-spanning, so on the eve of his company’s final performances at UC Berkeley, Claudia Bauer asked several local artists to […]

In Practice: Later Alastair Macaulay

This article is modeled after outgoing New York Times chief dance critic Alastair Macaulay’s January 10, 2019 letter to the Dance Magazine editor[1] about Emma Sandall’s January 7, 2019 piece, […]

Jester in the Router: Multi-site Performance Using The Internet

Imagine artistic and cultural exchange on a worldwide scale. One where live, truly collaborative performing arts events occur on a regular basis at multiple locations simultaneously, not simply connecting a […]

How to Work Abroad: Demystifying the Tanzmesse

The Internationale Tanzmesse NRW, a biennial festival in Düsseldorf, Germany, is either a bonanza of work opportunities or an exercise in “body fascism,” depending on whom you talk to. Listen […]