Have you ever looked at those lists that match up gift ideas with specific anniversaries? For every year from one to twenty-four and then every five years from twenty-five to […]

The Diversity of Authorship: In Conversation with Hope Mohr

WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE AUTHOR? How many times have you been asked this classic ‘get to know you’ question? Perhaps it was on a first date, at a new job, […]

the NETWORK project

the NETWORK project addresses human survival and what we truly need– from sustainable living practices to communal engagement and empathy, as we recognize and build our resilience. Considering climate change, […]

the NETWORK project

the NETWORK project addresses human survival and what we truly need– from sustainable living practices to communal engagement and empathy, as we recognize and build our resilience. Considering climate change, […]

ODC/Dance Takes On Hard Truths With Fluid Agility

Review: March 2, 2007, Program 1

I Want This Instead.

Tim Rubel Human Shakes presents: I Want This Instead. Choreography by Tim Rubel. In collaboration with dancers Derek DiMartini, Dalton Alexander Valerio, and Hannah Westbrook. Lighting Design by Maxx Kurzunski. […]

I Want This Instead.

Tim Rubel Human Shakes presents: I Want This Instead. Choreography by Tim Rubel. In collaboration with dancers Derek DiMartini, Dalton Alexander Valerio, and Hannah Westbrook. Lighting Design by Maxx Kurzunski. […]

I Want This Instead.

Tim Rubel Human Shakes presents: I Want This Instead. Choreography by Tim Rubel. In collaboration with dancers Derek DiMartini, Dalton Alexander Valerio, and Hannah Westbrook. Lighting Design by Maxx Kurzunski. […]


Huma(N)ature is a dance, theater, and circus production investigating humanity’s relationship to nature – our misguided dominion over it, our inordinate influence upon it, our continued reliance on its systems, […]

In Practice: Reconstructing Reconstruction with Chris Evans

What does it mean to grieve in the context of perpetual marginalization and terrorization? What are the contours of grief in the afterlife of ancestral, epigenetic, and intergenerational trauma? And […]