Walking Backwards

I love dancers. More than actually dancing or dance itself, I love dancers.

Presence and Liveness in Online Learning: A Lesson in Choreographing Students from Afar

For the past year, I have been working on a new choreography that premiered this past April 17-26 as a part of the annual Berkeley Dance Project (BDP) directed by […]


Photo courtesy of Zoe Huey. [ID: A self portrait of a light-skinned, mixed-race Asian person with short hair in a blue long-sleeve button up shirt. The person is looking at […]

In Practice: Sean Dorsey, Fresh Meat Productions, and Trans Joy

As he looks back on 20 years of making and producing performance by trans, gender-nonconforming (GNC), two-spirit, and queer artists in the Bay Area and across the country, Sean Dorsey, Artistic Director of Sean Dorsey Dance (SDD) and founder of Fresh Meat Productions (FMP), is positively glowing.

Brown and Rauschenberg: Forays into Collaboration

Hopkins Center, Dartmouth College Loew Auditorium, Hood Museum of Art September 24, 2009 Jeff James, Howard Gilman Director of the Hopkins Center for the Arts: Welcome to a conversation between […]

WHAT I DO IS MEDICINE: Julia Chigamba and the Healing Power of Dance

I WAS WALKING ALONG a street not far from Downtown Oakland, looking for the studio where I was scheduled to meet Zimbabwean dancer and choreographer Julia Chigamba to discuss her […]

Education Matters: Four Artists’ Methods for Teaching College-aged Dancers

WHEN UNDERGRADUATES FACE the decision of majoring in dance or another discipline, they are often confronted with questions about the usefulness of their degree or the chances of pursuing a career […]

Got Space? Launching A New Online Directory of Performing Arts Spaces

HAVE SPACE? NEED SPACE? Starting November 15, the Bay Area Performing Arts Spaces (BAPAS) online resource holds the keys to hundreds of venues throughout the Bay Area. The BAPAS website […]

In Conversation with Vanessa Sanchez

Who’s getting funded and who has access to getting funded? And really looking at a lot of my mentors in the Bay Area and beyond who…have changed and shaped communities and done this work for decades and decades and decades, but because of resources and because of language barriers, they aren’t necessarily able to apply and receive the funding they should be. With that, I just felt it really important in that I don’t want to be one of the only ones from the Bay Area – in our kind of world of dancers of color who are coming from dance forms from traditionally Black and brown communities – I don’t want to be one of the only ones getting this. There are so many more people who need and deserve this – this funding.

Quick and Clear, and Queer: An Interview with Keith Hennessy

Busy, busy—such is the life of an artist currently performing his own work both locally and in New York, simultaneously working on a PhD in Performance Studies, as well as […]