Curtain Up on ODC

After 27 straight years housing some of San Francisco’s most memorable dance performances, ODC Theater will be going black at the end of this year. The theater, whose programming needs […]

SPEAK: future friend/ships

Jassem Hindi “Irony is about the tension of holding incompatible things together because both or all are necessary and true. Irony is about humor and serious play. It is also […]

Anna Halprin’s Art Filled Life on View at YBCA

Anna Halprin parked her white Volvo at the receiving dock of Yerba Buena Center for the Arts and unloaded twelve trash bags full of leaves. The task-oriented performance artist, considered […]

From Kathakali to Kathak: Eight Indian Classical Genres at the 2014 SF Ethnic Dance Festival 

The weekend of June 14-15, 2014, is shaping up as an unusual opportunity for Bay Area dance lovers: the chance to experience a stellar showcase of Indian classical dance by some of the […]

Cracked Open: Reflection on Moving the Body-Brain, Moving the Brain-Body – a danced lecture

Prompted by Dominic’s creative matchmaking, Paul and I had a conversation via Zoom that allowed us to speak about our dance-making as a way of engaging with and transforming difficult legacies that are invariably written on and encoded in our bodies.

MAP-MAKER: Katy Warner and the LINES Dance Center Celebrate 25 years of Dance Education

THE QUEST TO CAPTURE the illusion of flight is a defining tenet for any ballerina, yet Katy Warner, founding member of Alonzo King LINES Ballet, has experienced the real thing. […]

10 in 10 Video Series

10 questions in 10 minutes. Quick insights with the Bay Area dance community. As our community continues to re-imagine hybrid performance and dance-making, the 10 in 10 interview series speaks […]

Kularts & Alleluia Panis: Setting the Stage for Filipinx Diaspora Narratives

In a conversation about how she classifies her artistic practice, she told me that she does not consider her work to be “Philippine” dance, as that would be disrespectful to regional practitioners who undergo rigorous study, practice, and discipline that she as a choreographer and dancer who has livedmost of her life in the US has not undergone…

Finding a Flow Through Heartistry

With an infinite number of podcasts to listen to, why would I add another one to the list? Would anyone even listen to it, who would I speak with, what would we discuss?

In Practice: Colleague-Criticism

In 2009, I published an essay in this publication (In Dance) about a work by choreographer Randee Paufve, a dear friend of mine. I didn’t know it at the time, […]